TELEPHONE: 807-683-3311
TOLL FREE: 1-800-686-2295
To All our valuable clients:
We are now able to schedule appointments for custom shading for your patients at the lab. Two days before the shade appointment, someone will call patient and screen for Covid 19. When the patient comes to the lab, they will call the number on the door from their car and a ceramist will come out to the vehicle and take their temperature. If there is no fever, they will proceed into the lab which they will have to use hand sanitizer. In the shade room the ceramist will have specific clothing to wear as well as masks, gloves, and face shields. Shade will be then taken, and patient will be escorted out of the lab. At this point, the ceramic shade room is disinfected. Due to the Covid 19 guidelines, we are only able to see a limited amount of shade patients per day. We are asking that for the time being not to schedule any inserts until you receive the case back from the lab. We thank you and appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through this pandemic together.
We have taken extra precautions of disinfecting to ensure healthy, sterile environment to prevent the spread of germs and Covid 19 following the guidelines of the CDTO and ADTO. Cases will be delivered in a zip lock bags. We will not be using boxes, only zip lock bags. All models, bites, appliances, will be sterilized before delivery but not recommend sterilizing again once you receive the cases. Deliveries will be contactless to the driver and office staff. Vanessa will call the office when she is there for deliveries and pick ups and will meet outside on the steps of your office.
With the guidelines in place at Balmoral Dental, we ask that you help us by doing your part by ensuring that all impressions, bites and or anything that has been in contact with the patients mouth, must be steilized and sealed in a baggie or sealed sterile packs to ensure no cross contamination and for us to safely unpack and re sterilize. No boxes are to be used if possible. Script must be either taped or stapled to the outside of the baggie.
We appreciate you for helping us by doing your part to prevent the spread of the Covid 19
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. 807-683-3311
Dave Savioli, Kaz Kushner and David O’Neill